Calculates the Money Spent by Rare Shoppers
This function returns the total money spent by rare shoppers visiting a store.
per_of_grocery_spend_rare = 5,
pct_metro_rare = 10,
pct_rural_rare = 20,
pct_town_rare = 20,
est_per_price_increase = 7,
grocery_sales = 8.11541e+11,
population = 334233854
- per_of_grocery_spend_rare
The percentage of groceries rare shoppers will spend at the proposed store
- pct_metro_rare
The percentage of rare shoppers in metro market default taken as 10% unless specified otherwise.
- pct_rural_rare
The percentage of rare shoppers in rural market default taken as 20% unless specified otherwise.
- pct_town_rare
The percentage of rare shoppers in town market default taken as 20% unless specified otherwise.
- metro_pop
Population of the store location
- town_pop
Population of all towns in the county
- rural_pop
Population of rural cities in our market
- state_index
The ratio of the current price of the basket to the price of the basket during the base year.
- est_per_price_increase
Estimated increase in price of grocery in cumulative percent default taken as 7 for 2023.
- grocery_sales
Total US grocery sales annually. Default value is 811541000000.
- population
Total US population. Default value is 334233854.