Calculates Market Size
this function automatically calculates the market size for a given address value.
- address
an address separated by commas containing street, city, and abbreviated state. Example: "Main Street, Lamoni, IA"
- df_census_call
a data frame containing city, county, and state values inherited from DSPGrocery::Create_Circle_Buffer.
- df_geocode
a data frame containing the lng and lat value of the geocoded address inherited from DSPGrocery::Create_Circle_Buffer.
- df_grocery_only
a data frame containing the values returned froma a call to googleway::google_places filtered for stores with the type set to "grocery". Also inherited from DSPGrocery::Create_Circle_Buffer.
- state
a character value containing the abbreviated state value of the address.
returns a list of atomic vectors containing city_population, metro_population, and rural_population.